WUFI® Fundamentals (1D) Online
An introduction to the science of coupled heat and moisture analysis. Learn what hygrothermal modelling and WUFI® software are capable of, become confident to request an analysis from a practitioner and understand modelling outputs.
WUFI® User (1D) Online
You will be provided with competency in one dimensional hygrothermal modelling of building elements such as walls, roofs and floors using WUFI® Pro. Participants will become able to set up and run a WUFI® 1D simulation of a building element. They will also become able to interpret and present the results of the simulation.
WUFI® Advanced (2D)
This course provides competency in two dimensional hygrothermal modelling of building structures using WUFI® 2D. The course is suitable for those wanting to provide specialist analysis of complex details such as building connections and thermal bridges.
WUFI® & Wine…or beer!
Join us for a short introduction and find out what WUFI® is all about, along with a drink or two. It will increase your knowledge and make it easy for you to decide which WUFI® training to undertake.
Comprehensive seminars and demonstrations on how WUFI® can help with your
existing and all future constructions are available nationwide.
Please feel free to contact us.